Cachoeiro Stone Fair assembles journalists and presents news of the 2023 edition

Cachoeiro de Itapemirim’s press, got an exclusive preview of Cachoeiro Stone Fair, at a lunch in the city, this Thursday (20). They were able to learn of the news of this year’s edition of the fair, which will present more than 200 exhibitors. Milanez & Milaneze’s CEO, Flavia Milaneze, launched the meeting and gave the stage to Sindirochas’ and Centrorochas’ presidents, Ed Martins and Tales Machado, respectively. They spoke about the importance of the event to the strengthening of the industry. Eutemar Antônio Venturim, the director of Rochativa, also presented the main actions of the entity. According to data, 60% of the exhibitors stand for the machinery and equipment section, 40% for the stones sector of the industry, and 30% are presenting for the first time. We are forecasting more than 20 thousand attending at Parque de Exposição Carlos Caiado Barbosa. The event will comprise an area of 30 thousand square meters, of which 10 thousand will be inside the complex and an additional exhibiting area for ornamental stone blocks. The exhibitors come from 10 states: Ceará, Sergipe, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Santa Catarina, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul. This year the fair will also have exhibitors from 4 different countries: Turkey, China, Spain, Italy. During the press conference the collaboration with Sebrae was also announced. With Sebrae’s support Cachoeiro Stone Fair is able to offer areas to micro and small companies to present at the fair. The goal is to inspire and promote strategic partnerships between the exhibiting companies and other components of the industry. One of those areas is Ilhatec, an innovative and dynamic space that will comprise of creative and visionary minds that intend to promote the standing betterment and push foward the future of the industry. There are 20 companies at this space, 12 in the inside area and 8 at Ilhatech. The purpose of the event is to connect and push forward the stone industry, so Cachoeiro Stone fair elaborated a special programme for Arena Sesi Senai Stone Summit with peak interest topics for the attending public. An array of big names of the industry will speak at Encontro de Marmoristas, with a highlight to Leandro de Freitas, of Borracharia do Leandro. And once again the energy supply for the fair will be provided from a clean, 100% renewable, and environmentally friendly resource. That is certified by Matrix Digital Energy Distributor by way of I-REC’s. (INTERNATIONAL RENEWABLE ENERGY CERTIFICATES). Cachoeiro Stone Fair is an event accomplished with the promotion and sponsorship of Sindirochas and Centrorochas. And is a part of many ESG actions developed by Milanez & Milaneze, the producing company of Cachoeiro Stone fair. Cachoeiro Stone Fair is Milanez & Milaneze production, a Veronafiere Group company, with the patronage of Sindirochas and Celemag, Centrorochas support, and sponsorship of Sicoob, CREA-ES, Banestes, Bandes, Findes, Sesi e Senai.     CACHOEIRO STONE FAIR 2023   When: 22 to 25 of August, from 14h to 20h (tuesday through friday) / Admit only until 19h. Where: Parque de Exposição Carlos Caiado Barbosa, Cachoeiro de Itapemirim Target audience: industry professionals, such as: marble dealers, architects, designers, engineers, entrepreneurs, managers, distributors, buyers, and others alike. Sing up: at event  

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